Wind Through Coniferous Forest

Recording just wind has long been an elusive goal of mine. Whether it’s my equipment (I haven’t spent the large sum of money needed to get a Rycote or Cinela blimp for the best wind protection yet), or the fact that I live and spend most of my time in the city, I haven’t been able to record wind cleanly. Until this past Monday that is! For the second year in a row my wife and I decided to go to Pine Mountain Club for our anniversary, a small little known mountain town a couple hours north of Los Angeles. This time of year hardly anyone is there, and for most of the week it was whisper quiet, especially at night since there were no insects chirping at all. The first evening we arrived there was a wind storm though, and using multiple layers of wind protection on my Line Audio CM3’s I finally recorded wind with little else. Now my new goal is to record nice breezy wind with lots of leafy detail. You can download the sounds below, I also added two simple whoosh files I made using the wind recordings.

Download these sounds here!

Password: wtscfreebie

These sounds can be downloaded and used for free in your film, tv, game or interactive projects. EULA



